Tuesday, May 20, 2008

1 week has passed....Uphold by God

Wow...one week just passed....didn't even notice..I just want to thank God for His great love that was poured unto my family during this time of grieving...without HIM on our side I dunno what will happen to us...Now i began to understand why in the midst of adversities and sorrows ppl choose to end their lives...However it is different when with God for we are able to overcome all these in His mighty name. The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit (psalm 34:18). There is no doubt that nothing is impossible because with God we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. We must let God lead us in our studies, work, relationships and family and trust in HIM that all things are good in those who love HIM. When we say we cannot do certain things or that we are inadequate in certain ways like money, confidence etc, we are insulting God's creation. We are wonderfully made in God's eyes so who are we to say we cannot do this, cannot do that.Of course we can....Hallelujah!!..

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