Saturday, June 28, 2008
Friday, June 27, 2008
Last week my best fren's mum passed away coz of cancer. She has been suffering for quite a while she is in peace. If only she knew Jesus, sigh...sometimes we can only do a part...the decisions and choices are not ours to make...I pray that God will strengthen her family members during this period of grieve and hopefully they will one day accept Jesus as their personal Lord and saviour..AMEN
Monday, June 23, 2008
Check it out galfrens!!!
For all the gals out there..I recommend a good blog for tips on hair, make-up, beauty
Where is God?

God is the Creator of the universe who yearns for us to know Him. That is why we are all here. It is His desire that we rely on and experience His strength, love, justice, holiness and compassion. So He says to all who are willing, "Come to Me."
Unlike us, God knows what will happen tomorrow, next week, next year, the next decade. He says, "I am God, and there is no one like me, declaring the end from the beginning."1 He knows what will happen in the world. More importantly, He knows what will occur in your life and can be there for you, if you've chosen to include Him in your life. He tells us that He can be "our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in times of trouble."2 But we must make a sincere effort to seek Him. He says, "you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart."3
That doesn't mean that those who know God will escape difficult times. They won't. When a terrorist attack causes suffering and death, those who know God will be involved in that suffering also. But there is a peace and a strength that God's presence gives. One follower of Jesus Christ put it this way: "We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed."4 Reality tells us that we will experience problems in life. However, if we go through them while knowing God, we can react to them with a different perspective and with a strength that is not our own. No problem has the capacity to be insurmountable to God. He is bigger than all the problems that can hit us, and we are not left alone to deal with them.
God's Word tells us, "The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in him."5 And, "The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth. He fulfills the desires of those who fear him; he hears their cry and saves them."6
Jesus Christ told His followers these comforting words: "Are not two sparrows sold for a cent? And yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Therefore do not fear; you are of more value than many sparrows."7 If you truly turn to God, He will care for you as no one else does, and in a way that no one else can.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Why aren't my prayers answered?

Is all prayer answered? Scripture teaches that God does answer our prayers (John 16:24); but Scripture also says that there are some conditions for effective prayer. What are some reasons the Bible gives for God not answering our prayers?
We don't really believe God can answer them.
Jesus said:
“If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.” (Matthew 21:22)
James wrote:
“But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That man should not think he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all he does” (James 1:6-8).
Believing is perhaps the best known condition for prayer. But there are other reasons prayer is not answered.
We ask with wrong motives.
“When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures” (James 4:3).
Unconfessed sin separates us from God, so that He cannot hear.
“Surely the arm of the Lord is not too short to save, nor His ear too dull to hear. But your iniquities (sins) have separated you from God; your sins have hidden his face from you so that He will not hear” (Isaiah 59:1-2).
We set up idols in our hearts that come between us and God.
“Son of man, these men have set up idols in their hearts and put wicked stumbling blocks before their faces. Should I let them inquire of me at all?” (Ezekiel 14:3).
We don't answer those who cry to us for help.
“If a man shuts his ears to the cry of the poor, he too will cry out and not be answered” (Proverbs 21:13).
We don't remain in God/God's Word doesn't remain in us.
“If you remain in me and my word remains in you, ask whatever you wish and it will be given to you” (John 15:7).
What does God always promise to give to those who believe?
1. Salvation
“For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved” (Romans 10:13).
2. Forgiveness of Sins
“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9).
3. Wisdom
“If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him” (James 1:5).
Most importantly, we must belong to God before we can communicate with God. “He who belongs to God hears what God says. The reason you do not hear is that you do not belong to God” (John 8:47).
Sometimes we don't see or understand God's answers.
God is all-knowing and can see things that we can't. The Bible tells us to trust God, rather than our own understanding of what's best for us:
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight” (Proverbs 3:5-6).
The Bible also says that God works in ways that we sometimes can't understand:
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declared the Lord. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts” (Isaiah 55:8-9).
1 Corinthians 13:12 tells us that now we see things dimly, as in a mirror, but someday we will see clearly and understand how God answered our prayers.
God fills us....

I was reading a book "Message From God". There is a sentence that says we cannot depend on man (both males and females le) to make us happy or satisfy our needs because they will never be able to but only God can. It hit me because I admit that ya know I do tend to expect people to make me happy, encourage me etc..Its good to have friends around you to do that sometimes but the ultimate satisfaction and fulfillment we can get is from God. No doubt about that "Satifaction Guranteed". When we expect from others we tend to pressure them inevitably and when those expectations of ours are not met, be get awfully disappointed then you know what happens next la..misunderstanding happens, anger, resentment, frustration, stress just to name a few...yup so start expecting from God because He definitely wants us to as He has the key to all eternal blessings. And when we do that, our relationship with God can also deepen.
Yup I'm back on the tracks again..however managed to do a few rounds only le coz the sun its like burning the crap out of me wonder the aunties were walking backwards I know the trick SMART AUNTIES!!..they also know UV is bad hehe..Hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to do more rounds..adios!
Friday, June 20, 2008
Cute doggies from EL Sanctuary..
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Betrayed by my shoes....

Day 2 - I was up once again determined to go for did my lazy butt actually got convinced by my little I did manage to get to the jogging usual I was planning to do about 7-8 rounds..then guess what happened? jogging shoes failed me...they started blooming (as in the soles actually came off la) my plans to exercise had to be called off..sob fret people I'll be back with brand new shoes..and nothing can stop me then..mwuahahahah!!!!

I love them...they are so pretty..these creatures evolved from an ugly little caterpillar into a beautiful and graceful butterfly. I guess we can somewhat relate ourselves with them. We humans change every now and then whether or not beautiful or ugly depends on how we perceive things and the way we allow ourselves to be moulded. Some of us choose to stay the same but that is not the case because without changes there will be no improvement and we will opt for mediocrity means that we are satisfied with where we are and refuse to come out from our comfort zone. Dare to live out your dreams people...challenge yourselves to do the what makes you happy...
Living in God's favor...
I was reading a devotional called "Living Your Best Life Now"..It says that we must live a life with God's favor everyday. It means that we must believe that God is there to bless us in every way and He prepares people to help us unexpectedly, in ways we do not understand and in circumstances that will bring good in our lives. Today I got to experience God's favor. My mum and I were at the parking lot in jusco trying to get a carpark. It was full house as usual..hmmm must be those public uni students having hols..We went round a few times but unfortunately no empty space was to be seen anywhere. As soon as I prclaimed that God's favor is with us...guess what?...a car just right in front of us was about to go out...HALLELUJAH!!..Its very true indeed that the blessings of God are ready for us to feed on...His favor will always be upon us if we declare it by faith..AMEN!!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Bleeding love...
I realized that being in a relationship is never easy. Both parties must be willing to contribute, make some sacrifices here and there and put in effort in maintaining it through communication and etc etc. Without comm we will never be able to know what the other party is thinking. So hence a relationship without communication will have issues arising every now and then. I'm not saying that relationships are smooth sailing. That is why two parties need to sit down and means that there are problems which need to be settled...does it ring a bell?..hehe..There was this couple who had issues with the fact of communication and understanding between the both of them. As things seemed to be different with time, the gal began to wonder and feared of losing the other party but the fear only led to more problems. The other party thought that by continuing the relationship will only prolong the hurt. The fact is, the hurt came not because of the treatment of the other party but the fear of losing someone you truely love. The hurt didn't stop her from loving the other person but the hurt was there because of the love that grew in depth. I guess the other party will never ever realize and cannot accept the fact that there is someone who actually loved him genuinely. Let there be a great AWAKENING!!
Day 1 - Yup!..I finally did it..I actually dragged myself up..and banned myself from procrastinating once again..and there I was at the jogging track with the other pakcik and makcik exercising hehe..good to see that more and more people are actually health conscious..bravo!!..that means that we pharmacists no longer have to nag them to exercise blah...blah..its just the start..hopefully I will overcome my mind again to not be lazy hehe..Healthy mind and I come!
Where is the LOVE....??

We have already explored what love is, and what God’s Word has to say. But, what about the other influencers that may be rattling around in our heads? Does it measure up to Scripture, or is it a myth? Let us look at some of the common sayings, from American culture, portraying love:
· Love conquers all!
· Love is enough.
· All you need is love! (By the way, that did not work for the Beatles, did it?)
· If it is true love, you will know it right away!
· If you love me, you will _______.
· I want to know what love is!
· The perfect Mr. or Mrs. “Right” will fulfill you completely!
· Having a strong sexual attraction is a sign of true love!
· I'll do my half if you _______.
· If you really love someone, you will have sex with him/her within the first month of dating!
Music, TV, movies, friends, and fairy tales all teach us, in different and creative ways, how to love. But, have you considered that they teach us the wrong ideas of love and relationships?
A look at some “sayings”:
Does love conquer all? Well, this is just not so! If it were, we would have a very low divorce rate, because, I have never seen a marriage take place where the couple were not in love, or at least thought they were in love. Yet, over fifty percent of them are divorced within five years! If love were enough, those marriages would have worked out; obviously, love is not enough! Love, by itself, cannot hold you together. As we discovered in the last few chapters, most people do not know what love is, nor are they able or willing to apply the characteristics of love that we discussed in the last chapter. They forget that love will place the interest of the other first; but, they do not. The feelings and ideas of what they think love is takes the place of working on the relationship. So, communication, as well as understanding and the willingness to work together to solve problems, is left out of the relationship.
In reality, there is no happily-ever-after or, riding off into the sunset together. Relationships require effort to make them work; they just do not happen. So, our favorite movies, and the romance novels do not give us proper reality; in fact, they corrupt our perspectives and thinking so we make faulty decisions. When our reality is in line with God’s, and we are following His precepts, then, the adventure of the relationship becomes fun, and we can ride off into that sunset. We can enjoy life better. Just know that that sun will rise the next day, and you may still be in the maze, lost and confused—perhaps, even hurt. The effort you put in will help keep you on the right path of developing that good relationship, as well as finding, and keeping the love of your life.
Is it true that all you need is love? Well, again, no! This is a big myth! When the friendship-seeking and dating adventure is over, and you find yourself outside of the maze and on the right path, you still need to build your house of love. The house of love is built on the precepts of character and love that were already discussed, and further constructed with the materials we will be looking at in the coming chapters.
If all you have is love, and, let’s say that it is real, authentic, Biblical love, yes, you will be doing good; however, as I have already said, most people, even committed Christians, do not operate in all of those precepts, all of the time. You will get bored when your friends never develop that relationship any further, and, you will, perhaps, go on to many more, skipping from one to another, and so forth. After you marry, just about the time you move in together, you will discover that you have traded your loneliness and quest of finding a mate, which you thought was your biggest problem, for a whole, new set of problems—Bigger Problems—unless you see it as bigger opportunities.
How are you going to relate to each other all of the time—from the toothpaste and toilet seat, to sleeping together, sharing personal items, friends, relatives, in-laws, pets, cars, your future, career—and, in addition, handling money, and rearing children? You are no longer in the dating and friend scene, where you can go home to do whatever you want. You have gone from being strangers to each other to a committed relationship, with responsibility! Change can be very difficult for some, and, if you made the wrong decision to live together first, you entered into an entire, additional set of other problems, as well. Love is not all you need, especially if you do not know what love is!
Will the perfect mate fulfill me? NO! Nothing can fulfill you completely. As we are filled with imperfections caused by sin, so we cannot have a mindset that is perfect and understanding like that of God, who is without sin. When we accepted Christ’s gift of grace, we did become complete in Him. But, not as most people think. We become declared complete (Galatians 5:5; 2 Corinthians 1:22; 5:5). Thus, in God’s eyes, we are pure; but, in reality and practice, our sinful state is still in practice, and is active. We can strive to become more mature, which is an aspect of sanctification, but, nonetheless, we are still imperfect beings. Sin affects all we do, including our mate selection and our relational skills. So, all we do is corrupt, even while trying to fulfill His will to the best of the ability and gifts He has given us. We are not even made for this world, rather, for the life to come (Isaiah. 44:9-20; Colossians 3:5).
Will my expectations of, “if you love me you will…” or, if you are only willing to do “my” half, help me? No! Because, you will have no real love—only your expectations to keep you company! These will only develop into pride, and, then, loneliness. If you set conditions, such as saying “I'll do my half if you….” you will stiffen any love that may be there, and your will and pride will take over. You will not be able to develop any kind of godly relationships if you set up conditions and expectations. Love does not put others in a stable made of the fencing from personal desires and expectations. It just will not work; it is not Biblical. All those who try, end up hurt, jumping from relationship to relationship, distancing from friends. Trying this in marriage will land you in divorce court.
If you are only willing to go half way, doing what you think is your part and no further, then, you are refusing to change. Do not go from one friendship to another until you get yourself straight, because, you will cause too much hurt to others. Do not even think of getting married, messing up someone else’s life and the lives of generations to come. You will be on the maze road to disappointment, disillusionment, and divorce. Selfishness takes up all of the space of relationships, and has no room in a relationship. Stay alone, buy a cat, and stay single, because you will be far happier. Yes this is harsh, and, it is sad, but, it is true. In addition, you will be saved from a lot of hurt, and from hurting others. Relationships are far too valuable and important to fool with.
You have to be willing to bend; if not, you will break! And, it will not be just you, because, it affects so many others, too. In marriage, it affects the families of both of you, and any kids you might have. You have to be willing to take chances with confidence. If you are operating in God’s character, it is a chance worthy to take and make. Look up and see the wonder He has for you! But, you will not be able to, if your vision is skewed with anything except His precepts.
You have to be willing to give at least 95%. If you are not, you need to work on yourself. When you are willing to give that amount, it will not be long until you will be at a 50/50 partnership. But, the key is the effort and willingness to go far beyond what you think your part is! When they feel you are contributing, your friends and spouse will feel inspired to do so, too. You will be able to cut through the tall grasses of conflict, understanding the issues and problems that spring up. Be willing to be the mower of the weeds of fear and pride that cover up relationships.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
This life is minute you're breathing..the next second ur gone..its too short to waste..why not cherish the things around you now and start counting your blessings...but when you cherish sumthing soo much...before you know it suddenly slips out of your hand..n that's the end...then how can i possibly hold on to sumthing and never let go??..that is not up to us to decide..God knows whether that sumthing is for you or not...we just have to have faith..for He knows best..when you learn how to let go of sumthing so precious to are exercising ur trust that if its God's will that sumthing will always be yours..if its not yours then He has sumthing else even better..i know its happened to me..n im still learning to trust HIM in total obedience...God, you are in control..AMEN..
Saturday, June 7, 2008
P.S I love You

I recommend all of you to watch P.S I love you..It's a sweet romantic movie with a touch of humour...hehe..The couple was inseparable by this great bond they had..The way the man conveyed his love for her was so touching...I cried just hearing him say I love you..even though they were 3 short surely said it all with full of sincerity in his!..I wished that would happen to me too..hmm..till the right one comes my way..hehe..not to mention the sceneries of ireland..just know, i always had this desire to one day have a chance to spend time with the love of my life in a country side(not the malaysian type le of course hehe)..a placed filled with huge land covered with greens and bright flowers...then we will stroll together hand in hand along the brick roads with tall trees shading the path...leaves falling everywhere(that's during autumn only hehe)..then he will express his feelings to me as we gaze into each other's eyes..gosh!..just feel like being there now..
Thursday, June 5, 2008
WOW!!..time flies really fast..the month of May dashed through like lightning. Despite all that has happened I guess its all for a good regrets...we stumble and fall but we are lifted up in the story about the little girl..we will rise up even higher than before..I hope to have a new hope, new goals and visions, new joy...not only for myself but for those around the LORD that HE has our lives at the palm of HIS hands.
The story of a girl who once stumbled but was lifted again....
There was this beautiful garden.. filled abundantly with flowers of all kinds..the sweet and fresh aroma lingered all was a beautiful place indeed. A little girl was seen strolling along the garden with her Father hand in hand. She was a good child..just looking in amazement but did not dare touch even a petal without the father's consent. Her FATHER was delighted to see HIS daughter being so obedient that HE decided to plucked a rose for her to play. She was contented and happy..."Thank you daddy" the girl smiled. After strolling for sometime, she caught a glimpse of a little boy playing in the garden. She was excited and wanted to play along. Her FATHER allowed her to join him but warned them not to go far away from HIS sight. They had a wonderful time playing together in the garden...her FATHER enjoyed watching them running around and having a fun time. After a while the little girl's FATHER said that HE has to depart for a while but will be right back in no time and HE reminded them of HIS commands. The two little ones continued playing...later the boy caught sight of a lovely butterfly not very far away from where they were...he decided that they followed it...but the girl told the little boy that she promised her FATHER never to go anywhere away from where they are at...The little boy convinced the girl that they won't go too far and that they will be back before her FATHER returns. She trusted him and agreed to follow on. They began running after the butterfly...not even stopping to catch their breath and before they know it they were far far away from their initial spot...The little boy assured her that they will find their way back but the more they ran the more they got lost..they did not give up and continued running..suddenly the little girl fell hard unto the ground and her knees were bleeding...she started crying in pain..her FATHER heard HIS daughter's voice and immediately came running towards her..The boy saw her FATHER and he was afraid that he may get scolded for his disobedience so he quickly ran off leaving the little girl behind all alone and badly injured. In the nick of time, her FATHER found her and quickly lifted her of the ground into HIS arms and wiped away her tears saying..."It's going to be alright my child, DADDY's here...she was comforted by HIS gentle voice and hugged HIM..the girl's FATHER attended to her wounds...made sure it was cleaned and dressed. The little girl said that the wounds were painful..her DADDY replied saying "Yes, i know it is painful but it will all be alright soon my dear trust me alright?"...the little girl nodded her head and apologized for her disobedience and repented...Her DADDY said.."As long as you hold my hand and never let go, I will never ever let you get hurt nor forsake you and that is a promise"...The little girl replied...Thank you PAPA".....
This story tells us that our dearest FATHER in heaven has an ever forgiving heart because HIS love for us is everlasting. He is the same today, yesterday and tomorrow, never to change. Every tear we cry is collected in a bottle and recorded into HIS book. As long as we renew our trust and faith in HIM everyday, He will lead us and guide us to the very end. He is our LORD, JESUS CHRIST.
This story tells us that our dearest FATHER in heaven has an ever forgiving heart because HIS love for us is everlasting. He is the same today, yesterday and tomorrow, never to change. Every tear we cry is collected in a bottle and recorded into HIS book. As long as we renew our trust and faith in HIM everyday, He will lead us and guide us to the very end. He is our LORD, JESUS CHRIST.
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